Saturday, November 24, 2012

Martha's Village Turkey Trot 2012

 Happy Thanksgiving! My 5k buddy and I, hit the pavement again, this time in Palm Desert, Ca... Had a great time with the family... made a few "healthy'' recipe alternatives... next year I think I will just control what I eat... I got the stomach flu Thursday night and all day Friday, no fun! I think it was the "healthy" alternatives, ha ha ha! Feeling so much better, can't wait to see my trainer tomorrow! Love visiting family in the desert, gives me the opportunity to workout with my sister, and spend time with my dad nephews.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Friend!
    I'm sooo proud of you! And I miss you soooo much! I have also made a committment to health and wellness. I'm teaching my kids how to take care of the body that God has given to us. I have to say now that I'm 41 (remember when I was hanging on to my 20's) lol, it has been harder to lose and keep it off. But I have also found a personal trainer and I am so loving working out with my group of gurlz that keep me inspired and motivated. We so need to get together maybe even do a 5K together. I did a mud run this year IT WAS A BLAST!
